Our Population is Our strength

Mohammad Ismail


Chairman, Bangladesh Agriculture Bank

We often call Bangladesh a small and poor country. But on what context: population, area or poverty?
We stand 8th globally in population. There are still 7 more countries that beat us. And in the geographical area Bangladesh is 93rd. There are still more than one hundred countries. Our country's GDP is very high now. Then how are we poor a country! I think this is a completely wrong idea.
If we can remove this misconception from our mind, then we’ll be able to see that we are doing well in every aspect of the society and a mentality to donate will be created. We can help our country and foreign countries as well. We have such power. We still have to get charity from foreign countries. We can also give charity if we want. Because it does not require you a lot of money but a big heart in order to donate.

If the ones, who are blessed with the ability to give zakat, pay two and a half percent of their wealth, then you’d see the amount of poverty in our country would decrease drastically. Apart from my experience, extra resources never make someone's life beautiful. They rather do harm. So if we donate our extras, then there will be no problem. For example: extra food, extra clothes can be given away.

We can donate blood every four months. Although almost all people are afraid to do so because they’re usually scared of blood but you can definitely show some courage and do it.
All the donors present here do have that courage. You're doing a great work. Now it’s important to bring those who never donated blood to join our group. I believe only blood donors can motivate others. Your work is highly appreciated when someone close is in serious need of blood and no one is there to donate.

And the Quantum Voluntary Blood Donation Program is working with volunteers like you, making it easier for people in their difficult times. The reason is that if blood is not available on time, then they’re forced to take it from the blood sellers, which is unsafe blood; not as per WHO standard that is maintained in the Quantum Voluntary Blood Donation Program. This arrangement has been possible only for donors like you. This is a special mercy from Allah.

I hope that if your blood donation program continues this way, then it will be bigger in the future than it is today. Maybe one day we can send it abroad. Because the biggest power we have is our population.

I also liked one thing after attending today’s program. And that is the punctuality of this program. It is thought that Bangladeshi’s can’t do things on time but you proved me wrong. I thank you for that.


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