Quantum Voluntary Blood Donation Program awarded by Ministry of Health and World Health Organization
Celebrating World Blood Donor’s Day (14 th June) on July 23, 2019, the notable voluntary blood donation organizations were awarded. Ministry of Health of Government of Bangladesh and World Health Organization arranged this program in Dr. Milon Auditorium of Dhaka Medical College . On behalf of Quantum Voluntary Blood Donation Program , Director Coordination of Quantum Foundation Mrs. Suraiya Rahman received the honorarium crest. Other than Quantum, ten organizations including Bangladesh Red Crescent Society, BADHON, SHANDHANI and Police Blood Bank were awarded. Besides, ten blood donors who have donated the highest number of blood from these institutions were awarded crest and certificates as well. On behalf of blood donors, a speech was given by Masud Iqbal who has donated blood for one hundred and four times. He said, “I have been donating blood since 1984. Still, I am shaken till date by the pathetic sight of people suffering in need of blood. Thus, I will dona...